Mining & Engineering


As your solution partner, we continue to expand our qualified technical team every day to respond promptly to your instant needs. Through the standards and procedures we implement, the R&D studies we conduct, and the internal training programs we provide, we ensure that our service quality aligns with evolving global technologies and remains sustainable.

Quality  Trust Supply



<a href="#">Hakan Kadıoğlu</a>

Hakan Kadıoğlu

Genel Müdür

<a href="#">Cenk Doğancıoğlu</a>

Cenk Doğancıoğlu

Genel Müdür Yardımcısı

<a href="#">Mehmet Akdede</a>

Mehmet Akdede

Mali & İdari İşler Müdürü

<a href="#">İhsan Mehtap</a>

İhsan Mehtap

İmalat Müdürü

<a href="#">Uğurcan Öner </a>

Uğurcan Öner

ARC Müdür Yardımcısı

Mutlu Müşteri
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0 +
0 +
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Experience Team

We help to achieve business goal.

Completely synergize resource taxing relationships via premier niche markets. Professionally cultivate one-to-one customer

<a href="https://esio.modeltheme.com/member/joanne-lewis/">Joanne Lewis</a>

Joanne Lewis

Graphic & Motion Designer

<a href="https://esio.modeltheme.com/member/omar-hemilton/">Omar Hemilton</a>

Omar Hemilton

Frontend Web Developer

<a href="https://esio.modeltheme.com/member/joyce-clarkson/">Joyce Clarkson</a>

Joyce Clarkson

Customers Support Responsible

Brand Partners

Get Started with Our Services & Create Best Difference.

We’ve created a full-stack structure for our working work process, were from the funny the century.